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Demystifying ISO 20228:2019 and ISO 21998:2020

Healthcare interpreting

Healthcare interpreting

Demystifying ISO 20228:2019 and ISO 21998:2020

When you’re looking for a professional language services provider that can meet your unique needs, focusing on ISO 20228:2019 or ISO 21998:2020-compliant interpreting solutions could be a must. While interpreters aren’t legally bound to follow those ISO standards, those that do ensure that they can provide an optimal experience in specific situations.

If you want to understand what ISO 20228:2019 and ISO 21998:2020 cover and why focusing on language service providers that adhere to those standards is wise, here’s what you need to know.

What Are ISO Standards and Why Do They Matter When Choosing Interpretation Services?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international organization that designs frameworks for business operations and transactions. Its goal is to ensure that companies operating in nearly any country maintain an appropriate quality level while delivering goods and services.

Essentially, ISO standards are sets of best practices that focus on specific industries, settings, or scenarios. When a company is ISO-compliant, it’s asserting its dedication to those guidelines, giving clients peace of mind regarding the quality of the goods or services they’ll receive.

For more information, please see ISO for Interpretation and Translation Services – What It Is and Why It Matters.

Understanding ISO 20228:2019 – Legal Interpreting

ISO 20228:2019 supplements the information found in ISO 18841:2018 by providing explicit guidance relating to interpreting in legal settings. Along with establishing guidelines regarding interactions with legal professionals – such as judges, attorneys, court officers, and others – it also outlines standards for interpreting in typical legal environments, including courtrooms.

This ISO standard also focuses on the unique situations that occur when interpreting for defendants, plaintiffs, complainants, claimants, witnesses, and similar parties involved in legal proceedings. There are also specialized guidelines focused on vulnerable persons, including children and victims, that often have a distinct position within legal proceedings and may experience unique challenges during discussions.

Additionally, it provides best practices regarding handling the sensitive information discussed during legal proceedings. Along with private information that’s potentially shared during legal proceedings, ISO 20228 discusses personal medical details that may be presented.

Finally, ISO 20228 discusses education and training minimums for those working as legal interpreters. Legal terminology is inherently complex. Since interpreters need to accurately relay what’s being shared, a thorough understanding of common terms is essential. It allows the interpreter to choose the proper words and phrases in the second language to convey the correct meaning, ensuring all parties are fully aware of what’s unfolding.

Understanding ISO 21998:2020 – Healthcare Interpreting

ISO 21998:2020 also supplements ISO 18841:2018. However, this ISO standard focuses on healthcare interpreting, providing explicit guidance that relates directly to medical settings, healthcare data, and concerns unique to that industry.

The healthcare sector is sensitive in nature. Medical interpreters are exposed to personal details on patients on a regular basis, and they need to handle that responsibility appropriately. This ISO standard assists with that need, outlining best practices that ensure patient privacy and sensitivity when relaying information of a highly personal nature.

Additionally, ISO 21998 discusses the handling of medical documents during healthcare meetings. Specifically, it describes sight translations, ensuring interpreters use the right approach when relaying information from written documents that haven’t been formally translated into the participant’s language.

In the ISO standard, special attention is also paid to navigating cultural differences while bridging linguistic gaps. It ensures that healthcare interpreters are culturally sensitive and appropriately agile, allowing them to effectively communicate the meaning of what’s being shared.

ISO 21998 also outlines competence, education, and training standards. The terminology used in a medical setting can be incredibly complex, and misinterpreting the details can potentially have significant ramifications. As a result, this ISO standard aims to ensure that those working as medical interpreters have the necessary knowledge level to navigate the terminology effectively, ensuring they can accurately relay information.

Do You Need Dependable Legal or Medical Interpreters or Other Language Services?

Many organizations have a clear need for top-quality, reliable language services. By choosing a language services provider that adheres to ISO standards, you can rest assured that you’ll receive the high-quality experience you need.

If you’re looking for a professional legal or medical interpreter, Acutrans can help. Acutrans offers top-tier interpretation services, including on-site, over-the-phone, and video remote solutions, covering both general interpretation and specialty interpreting services. Additionally, Acutrans can provide certified document translations – including medical and legal documentation – within 24 hours.

Whether you need reliable interpretation services or accurate document translations, the Acutrans team can provide a fast, dependable, and professional solution. Contact us for a free quote today.